Yeah Dawgs!

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So my friends decided they wanted to travel around Australia a bit, escape the winter and road trip it all up the east coast of Australia along the sunny coasts of Queensland. Although I wasn't apart of the trip I still felt like I was there almost ever step of the way after all the great stories I was told when they got back. One of the saying they adopted along the way was "Yeah Dawgs"... which is like saying "Yeah Dogs" but with emphasis on the awg in dawg. Anyway I decided to gift my friends a souvenir to remember their trip, which was personalised singlets with their most common trip quote/sayings. When I gave them their shirts they were soooo excited jumping up and down and throwing the singlets on in an instant! I was so ecstatic to see how excited they were to have their own personalised singlets! They even had their nick names on their shirts which were utilised throughout their trip. Just to top of their personalised shirts I put "I love it" on the back, which is a common and contagious saying that "Tank" always said. I hope these singlets will flood back all the great memories and experiences they had and shared on their trip around Australia.

One Comment

  1. the most amazing and thoughtful gift ever!! love love love love it!!!
    thanks dawg!! i love it :) xo

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