Nudie - Practice Goodism


Last year whilst at an Advertising/Design agency I made this little motion graphics for the company "Nudie." The intention of this video was to go on their website and to show all the different ways to "Practice Goodism" or simply put... "be good." Ideally there was to be new video released on a regular basis to show how to practice goodism by drinking Nudie. It was also to help highlight the fun and yummy appeal and image of Nudie juice.

Click here to view the motion graphic:

If you click this link this will provide you more information for what the company was going for...

Take note of the little guy waving the sign on the right of the home page... I designed and animated this little character too!

I have done other Nudie stuff... but just to keep things interesting I will just post this up for the mean time! Keep posted!

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