Blueprint Digital Web Design


Last year I designed and coded the entire website for Blueprint Digital... Before you make your judgement please consider a few things... the design was exactly what they wanted even before they wanted to pitch my design, which is fine because my client knew EXACTLY what he wanted. Its really great working with someone who knows what they want.

So my role was epic for this website. Here are just some of the things I did:
1. Design the layout and coded the entire website. I basically made it work!
2. I photographed and deep-etched a lot of the products you see on the website... once this one done I then designed something that would be likely to be advertised in that particular product. THEN I had to make it seem more realistic and put it into context... I then had to photoshop a lot of the products into context making them seem as realistic as possible. Long story short, I designed the designs inside the products which I photographed and deep-etched.

This was crazy... this whole website probably took me, and me alone, about a month to a month and a half to complete. It was hard as I had no information or products... I had to just design design design! It was great fun. This was probably one of my favourite freelance jobs I have done... I learnt so much about website and just to have fun with what your doing... WHILST GETTING PAID FOR IT! BOO YEAH! heheh

You can see the website live at:

Anyways, please enjoy the following screen grabs:

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