Happy Birthday Boss!


Only just recently my boss came to me and said "Can you quickly whip up a stubby holder for me for my birthday this weekend please, it needs to be sent to the printer in 20mins." How did I respond? Sure! No worries of course! :) Although my shift had already ended, I was more then happy to whip up a little birthday Stubby holder, which would soon become the Velflex stubby holder sample. The sample that shows just that something extra that Velflex does. Other than just garment printing, they now did stubby holder printing - and this is now the sample to show all. Pretty cool hey!? Okay... maybe not... heheh But I thought it was cool! Especially when my boss received these the next day just in time for his birthday and showed me ;) Well worth my 20mins hey!

Anyways, I took some photo's of it, the nerd that I am, and have posted it below for your viewing pleasure. Oh and just to keep things interesting, have a guess what bottle is sitting in the stubby ;) Just a bit of fun to keep you on your toes! Or not!? heheh

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