DELICIOUS! Chicken and Pesto Wrapped in Prosciutto


Wow... this has to be such an amazingly yummy meal, and so simple too! I think it must have taken about 20-30mins to cook? And that's including the time it was in the oven. All you need to do is flatten out some chicken breasts, spread pesto on one side of the chicken, and roll it up! Then just roll it up again with Prosciutto around it, whack it on the fry pan, flipping every 3mins till both sides are golden brown,  then put in the oven for 10mins. Then BAM! You have a delicioussssssss meal! To top it off I diced up some feta and put it over the chicken rolls so they melted when in the oven - Mmmm Yum! I think my blog may be almost turning into a cooking blog! Oh and next time I will totally try wrapping it up with creamed cheese and pesto :) Here is a photo of the delightful meal I am talking about:

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