Wednesday 28 September 2011



LOL - I thought this was funny :P A little random humour I guess! If your wondering what this is, this is my wrist watch. I was about to pick it up off the table to put it on when I noticed that it said "LOL." Of course it was upside down, and actually read 7:07, but I just thought it was funny how it looked when I was about to put it on. Heheh told you, a little random humour.

Tuesday 27 September 2011


DELICIOUS! Chicken and Pesto Wrapped in Prosciutto

Wow... this has to be such an amazingly yummy meal, and so simple too! I think it must have taken about 20-30mins to cook? And that's including the time it was in the oven. All you need to do is flatten out some chicken breasts, spread pesto on one side of the chicken, and roll it up! Then just roll it up again with Prosciutto around it, whack it on the fry pan, flipping every 3mins till both sides are golden brown,  then put in the oven for 10mins. Then BAM! You have a delicioussssssss meal! To top it off I diced up some feta and put it over the chicken rolls so they melted when in the oven - Mmmm Yum! I think my blog may be almost turning into a cooking blog! Oh and next time I will totally try wrapping it up with creamed cheese and pesto :) Here is a photo of the delightful meal I am talking about:

Thursday 22 September 2011


Evacuation Plan

Okay so I saw this sign in Vancouver in Canada when I was there... I thought it was funny, but I am not sure if any one will also :P Maybe I was drunk at the time, who knows... but seriously... the little guy on the top left... does he really truly depict a person evacuating a building? Does he look like the one to be your influence or leader out of danger? Not for me! He looks like he has been so freaked out that in the process of running from danger he has tripped himself over... This sign was near a stairwell too... so seriously, should I be looking at this sign for help if there was a fire or any sort of danger that required an evacuation? I don't know... I will let you be the judge of that! heheh

Tuesday 20 September 2011


Happy Brothers Fathers Day!?

I thought it would be cool to post the shirts I made up for my brother and his baby girl for fathers day - I thought it would be cute, or maybe dorky, that they could be matching heheh. Oh and by the way, this is not my design or idea; this is something that my brother wanted :) He didn't know I was going to surprise him with it :)

Thursday 15 September 2011



Over the weekend I decided to be a classic tourist and head on in to visit the Sydney Aquarium. I wasn't sure what it would be like because the last time I went there I was about 12 years old... Anyway I actually thought it was really cool! There were loads of big sharks, manta rays, fish, star fish, turtles, penguins, etc. Here are just a few of the photos I took whilst I was there:

Wednesday 14 September 2011


Happy Birthday Boss!

Only just recently my boss came to me and said "Can you quickly whip up a stubby holder for me for my birthday this weekend please, it needs to be sent to the printer in 20mins." How did I respond? Sure! No worries of course! :) Although my shift had already ended, I was more then happy to whip up a little birthday Stubby holder, which would soon become the Velflex stubby holder sample. The sample that shows just that something extra that Velflex does. Other than just garment printing, they now did stubby holder printing - and this is now the sample to show all. Pretty cool hey!? Okay... maybe not... heheh But I thought it was cool! Especially when my boss received these the next day just in time for his birthday and showed me ;) Well worth my 20mins hey!

Anyways, I took some photo's of it, the nerd that I am, and have posted it below for your viewing pleasure. Oh and just to keep things interesting, have a guess what bottle is sitting in the stubby ;) Just a bit of fun to keep you on your toes! Or not!? heheh

Tuesday 13 September 2011


Happy Fathers Day!

Every single fathers day, every birthday, every christmas, and every other celebration for my dad he always says to not get him anything. But just like any other daughter, I must get him a gift... even if he said not to! After all, what kind of daughter would I be not to get my dad a gift to show how much I love him!

Anyway, the only gift my dad ever likes is ones that he can eat... or drink for that matter. Therefore I decided to make him a shirt, which you will see below. It say's "If I can't eat it, or drink it, then I don't want it." This is an exact quote from dad when I asked him what he wanted for fathers day this year. So... as a joke, I decided to put this quote on a shirt and give it to him. What was his reaction? He was in hysterics, he thought it was the funniest thing ever! He couldn't stop laughing, it was great! Even my mum was killing her self laughing! But just to top it off, I also gave him some home made chocolate brownies... which of course I HAD to taste test before giving them to him, they tasted delicious :P

I gave my dad one more thing... but I will reveal this at a later stage ;) Keep posted!

Monday 12 September 2011


Flying High in Bondi

Over the weekend I decided to mosey on over to Bondi Beach where to my surprise there were some massive kites flying high on the Beach. These kites were huuuuge! I don't think these photo's can truly depict how big they were, but honestly the whale kite was practically the size of a real whale! Crazy! Anyway, I thought I would post a couple of photo's I snapped up at Bondi :)

Wednesday 7 September 2011


Online Advertising and Promotion

Here is a little online advertising and promotional design I did for NSJ. They haven't put this online as of yet, but there will be 3 others they look almost the same (just with different NSJ discount codes), that will be placed on specific Oz Tag Australia websites. Look out for the Castle Hill, Chatswood and Fairfield Oz Tag Websites in a month or so and they should have these advertisings on them.