Happy Mothers Day


I recently made this pillow for my mother for mothers day. Joyce Hudspith was my grand mother who passed away when I was four years old. One thing my mother remembers was something her mother always said to her and that was, "Never forget, your a person first before you're a mother." I extended the saying with "and before you're a nana" because mum kind of recently became a nana. 

When mum opened the present she absolutely balled her eyes out whilst quietly mumbled over her tears "How did you get this?" I said that I remember you telling me this once years back and I thought it would be special to give this to you on mothers day. On her card I wrote her I told her that her mother would be so proud of how great of a mother she turned out to be. 

Mum now has her pillow in her living room and tries to hold back tears when trying to tell her friends about the pillow I made her. 


  1. Hey are there price tags on that?

  2. Did you want to buy one?

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