Tuesday 31 May 2011


Good Vibes 2011

For all those people who went to Good Vibes this year... or what is commonly known as "Wet Vibes"... this one is for you :P

I made a few of these shirts up to wear on the day of Good Vibes. They looked pretty awesome but unfortunately... it RAINED! So I was wearing a bright yellow poncho for MOST of the Festival hehe. In case you do not believe me I have added a photo to prove this!

Long story short, how cool is the shirt!

My good Vibes shirt I made: 

Monday 30 May 2011

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No more junk food!

Just about every day I walk past this sad looking letter box... maybe its sick? Sick of all the nasty junk it has been consuming its whole lifestyle... or maybe its just a drunk letter box? Who knows... But this letter box is making a stand! Against all the posties who have uncaringly shoved junk mail after junk mail in its mouth. Against all the men and dogs who have urinated on his pretty green face. Against all those who have neglected its beauty... or lack of it. This letter box is ready for a diet! No more junk mail! No more junk food.

Thursday 26 May 2011


Velflex Heat Transfers

So what else do I do? Well I work for a t-shirt printing business, you know... the kind of business that prints heat transfers that are then heat applied to just about any garment, including shirts, hats, bags, etc. For them I created a little sports emblem logo to show how it can be applied to multiple garment types. We print for a lot of sports team so I thought it was only natural to have a soccer sports shield for a logo.

Below is a photograph of all the heat transfers we printed of this logo I designed up:

These heat transfers were handed out and used as examples all the trade shows for this company. To make myself a little bit clearer, here is a photograph of my heat transfers applied to a hat:

Anyway, keep an eye out for this logo as it gets used just about everywhere for this company now! There is no doubt that I will show you more examples in the near future ;) But for the moment... enjoy! 

Wednesday 25 May 2011


Velflex Brochures and Brand Identity Design

Not long ago I posted some images up of the trade shows I did for Velflex at the Sydney Convention Centre. I thought I would post some images up of all the brochures I designed up. My job was to create a brand and identity for the company which all came along rather well! Velflex is starting to really stand out and have its own individual smart image. I was very proud of everything I produced whilst juggling everything else during one of the busiest times at the company!

The image below displays all the brochures and content I designed and organised.

Tuesday 24 May 2011


Happy Mothers Day

I recently made this pillow for my mother for mothers day. Joyce Hudspith was my grand mother who passed away when I was four years old. One thing my mother remembers was something her mother always said to her and that was, "Never forget, your a person first before you're a mother." I extended the saying with "and before you're a nana" because mum kind of recently became a nana. 

When mum opened the present she absolutely balled her eyes out whilst quietly mumbled over her tears "How did you get this?" I said that I remember you telling me this once years back and I thought it would be special to give this to you on mothers day. On her card I wrote her I told her that her mother would be so proud of how great of a mother she turned out to be. 

Mum now has her pillow in her living room and tries to hold back tears when trying to tell her friends about the pillow I made her. 

Sunday 22 May 2011


Velflex Trade Show Design

Below are some photographs of my latest trade show design. I basically design the entire thing myself, including 1 brochure, 1 flier 7 posters, logo design, etc. I was also incharge of getting the necessary materials to make this work, such as the getting the right panels and making sure everything was the correct dimensions. The design and panels all had to be design according to the structure and dimensions. I didn't have a great amount of time for this, but I managed to pull out something great in the end!


Welcome to Print Freeze

Hi guys, welcome to Print Freeze, a blog that show cases all my old, current and new design jobs, most of which is print design. Realistically I don't expect people to be flocking to this page to view all my work, this is more of a personal blog to document and showcase design projects I have worked on or am currently working on. I also intend on adding sourced designs and artists who make me drool at the sight of their work because they are so amazing. Anyway, enough said! Let the designs speak for themselves!