Wednesday 23 November 2011


Ginger Bread Decoration

As some of you may know it was my birthday not long ago... so how better to spend it by decorating giant ginger bread men /women / he she's! The creation on the left is by Reba Dawg Flo, and the creation on the right is by me! Clearly my attempt looks like a 10 year old effort, but in all fairness I accidentally snipped the end of the icing piping bag to thick which resulted in... well... what you see! hahah Long story short, I don't know if the gingerbread is a man or a women on the left, or a cross between the two... or if the gingerbread on the right has thick flowing hair or just giant eyebrows! None the less, it was fun to make and quick to eat!  

Check out the photos below: